Process design and system deliveries

Big bang

History of the Balance Group goes back to 1999, when founder of the company, Kalle Riihimäki, began operations under the name of Balance Engineering. That time main focus was on the process design and optimization of processes meaning working on the flow sheet level. Also the on-site surveys and check-ups belonged to the daily work when analyzing processes and their possible bottle necks.

From flow sheet to layout

Natural progress to expand the services was to extend package from the flow sheet level to mechanical design. This gave the possibility to present new process ideas as layouts and realization plans, too. At the same time we expanded our co-operation network so that we became able to serve our clients with the enough large toolbox to cover needed delivery scopes in our projects. This way we became able to include needed strength analysis, automation and electrification design and so on in our project deliveries.

Jump to the equipment supplier but still focus on the starting point

Thanks to our customers they gave us change to make our first hardware deliveries at the beginning 2010s. Nowadays we are still serving our clients with process modelling and analysis services but also we operate as process and process room ventilation related air system supplier.

We believe on engineering skills and continuous development

Our best experiences are on the drying, ventilation of drying processes and energy integration of the drying processes. We have strong focus on R&D which gives us opportunities to participate on the very exciting projects to develop the complete new concepts on the area of heat and mass transfer.

We welcome you to challenge us!